Jim Brogden

"Inbetween Days"
Until he gets the call to become the new front man for the Cure, Jim Brogden is a software engineer and business intelligence consultant for Daugherty Business Solutions in Atlanta.
In 2006, he was one of the first 40 people in the world to become both a Business Objects certified professional (BOCP-BOE) and migration specialist. Shortly after achieving this distinction, Jim picked up Crystal Xcelsius 4.5 (now SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise) and hasn’t put it down – except to change Morrissey and Smiths CDs.
One day, Jim will pen a memoir on all the wild and crazy things he once did with Xcelsuis software. But for now you can see his writing featured in the book, SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. Jim has also worked as the lead technical editor of the Crystal Reports 2008 Official Guide and is a Crystal Reports certified professional (BOCP-CR).
Jim is happily married and a proud father of two boys. In his spare time, he enjoys coaching soccer, running 10k races, playing golf, spending time with his family, and waiting for that long-overdue call from Robert Smith of the Cure.
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